As a huge James Bond fan, I have always wanted to visit Monaco. The beautiful Monte Carlo Casino is featured in both Never Say Never Again and Golden Eye. Sadly, during my visit, I did not meet Sean Connery nor Xena Onatopp, but I still thoroughly enjoyed seeing the monetary excess that has made Monaco so …

One of the things I love most about the Spanish is how much food and social dining influences their lifestyle. While I was staying in Valladolid, someone suggested that we go for suckling lamb (lechazo) or suckling pig (cochinillo) for a nice meal on the weekend. After that suggestion was made, where to go and what to …

The Principality of Liechtenstein is a tiny German-speaking country located between Switzerland and Austria. Liechtenstein is only 160 square kilometers in size, which is incredible if you consider that my hometown of Calgary is over 725 km²!