Ever since my trip to Penafiel to feast on lechazo (baby lamb), I have been eager to visit Segovia to try cochinillo (baby pig). I love that Spanish can plan an entire day around eating and this day was no different as we arranged for a group to meet in Segovia for lunch. In the …

Saipan is a small pacific island, 190km North of Guam, which is part of the Northern Mariana Islands. Saipan is only 19km long and 9km wide, and has a population of less than 50,000 people so it is an island I had not heard much about until I started researching the TCC country list. I …

My first impression of Yap was a great one; upon clearing immigration a topless woman (slightly covered by a grass and flower necklace) put a beautiful hand woven lei around my neck. Getting lei’d within ten minutes of arrival is definitely a first for me! Yap is in the Western Carolines, half-way between Guam and Palau, …